Runner’s knee is one of the most common overuse injuries causing pain at the front of the knee, around or under the kneecap. It is most often seen in active individuals who are involved in running and jumping sports. However one does not need to be a runner to have runner’s knee. If one spends a lot of time bending the knees to pick up things or even walk a lot one can also experience runner’s knee pain.
Most people with this condition find that the pain worsens by walking up and down stairs, running, squatting and sitting for long periods of time. Some people experience a pain that is dull and aching around the kneecap and may also experience knee swelling. Consult your CuraFoot doctor for a thorough diagnosis.
Unlike many other sporting injuries, there is no actual tissue damage, torn tendon or broken bones associated with Runner’s Knee pain. The pain is a result of inflamed tissues that surround the knee cap. The main causes are:
- Extra force placed on the knee joint due to overuse or increased activity from repeated running or jumping which can stress out the knees and irritate the nerves of the kneecaps or the overstretched tendons that hold them in place
- Injury to the kneecap such as a fracture or dislocation
- Women in particular young adults and adolescents are more likely to experience this kind of pain.

- Proper warming up before partaking in any physical exercise
- Proper regular stretching and strengthening exercises and sports that could assist in recovery. Generally cycling and swimming are easier on the knees and can help one stay active while refraining from high-impact sports
- Using shoes with correct insoles to support and cushion the feet and knees
- Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly to stay healthy
- Resting to allow the tissues to heal themselves if already suffering from Runner’s pain
- Applying ice to the area to relieve pain and reduce swelling
- Compressing the knee by wrapping and taping the knee to give extra support
- Elevating the leg while resting to lighten the load