Ball of Foot Pain or Metatarsalgia is a term for a painful foot condition in forefoot (proximal to the toes). This area is commonly referred to as the ball of the foot. This common disorder can affect bones and joints at the ball of the foot and cause pain. Consult your CuraFoot doctor for a thorough diagnosis.
Signs and Symptoms of Metatarsalgia
- Pain in the area of the ball of the forefoot. Pain is often a dull ache
- Pain is worse with walking barefoot, especially on hard surfaces
- Pain often forces a person to walk on the outside of the foot in an effort to avoid stepping on the ball of the foot.
- Pain is often less in good running shoes, especially those with forefoot cushioning.
- Sometimes a callus will form in the area of increased pressure and pain
The majority of metatarsalgia cases are due to biomechanical problems of the forefoot. Many cases can be treated with a metatarsal pad, arch support or increased cushion of the forefoot either in the shoe or on the outer soles. You will need a good pair of shoes. If you are replacing your shoes, consider a pair that offer some form of forefoot cushioning. Curafoot can help you find comfort footwear with these features.
- Capsulitis: The most common cause of pain under the ball of the foot area. It is simply an inflammation of the joint at the base of the toes and is usually caused by excessive pressure on this area.
- Neuromas: Usually cause pain in the forefoot, especially in the area of the 3rd and 4th toes. The pain may be shooting, burning, stabbing, radiating or just an “odd” feeling in the area. Many patients experience relief of symptoms after they remove their shoe and massage the area.
- Sesamoiditis: The sesamoids are small bones under the first metatarsal head and are prone to overuse and inflammation. This condition is called sesamoiditis and treatment is focused on removing force from the area and reducing inflammation.
- Callus: A callus is a thickening of the skin, often found under the ball of the foot. It can cause significant pain – much like having a rock in your shoe.
- Plantar plate tear: This is a tear in the ligaments of one of the joints of the ball of the foot. It often causes chronic ball of foot pain. You may need an MRI arthrogram to diagnose the condition.
Cura Foot’s primary goal when treating metatarsalgia or Ball of Foot Pain is to reduce pressure on the painful area of the foot. This can be accomplished through:
- Custom orthotics
- Pads and cushions
Once the pressure on the foot is reduced, a number of follow-up processes can also be recommended:
- Ice
- Medication
- Rest
- Physical therapy
- Injection