Corns and calluses are thickened or hard skin on the hands or feet. Corns are much smaller than calluses with a hard center surrounded by inflamed skin. These can be very painful at times and may be caused as a result of constant rubbing or friction. Consult your CuraFoot doctor for a thorough diagnosis.
Corns and calluses can occur due to multiple reasons such as:
- Anatomical abnormalities in the feet or the toes like bunions and hammertoes.
- People with certain kinds of foot structure like cavus feet, flat feet or bunions and ailments such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis can aggravate corns and calluses.
- Improper fitting shoes which cause constant pressure
- Regularly using tools or instruments that cause repeated friction to a certain area
- Gait-related irregularities
- Corns occur in the deeper layers of the skin. They are usually approximately round in shape and can occur in small areas of the skin. They can be painful especially while walking or wearing ill-fitted shoes.
- Soft corns are usually formed between the toes and are whitish. These are moist because of the sweat glands between toes. Soft corns are less painful. However they are more likely to become ulcerous or infected.
- Hard corns are much firmer and denser than soft corns. These are thickened round patches of dead skin with a grey core of hard skin. They are more likely to cause pain while walking or putting pressure on the feet.

Corns & calluses are not critical to health if taken care of at an early stage. There are some simple ways to treat corn or callus efficiently:
- Salicylic acid is used for the treatment of corns and calluses. It breaks down the hardened skin layer and helps in the removal of corns and calluses
- Removal of the thickened skin surgically can be done to treat corns & calluses. This provides periodic relief
- The constant pressure points that cause corns & calluses can be relieved with the use of custom made insoles. They relieve the pressure points helping corns and calluses to get cured faster in the absence of pressure & constant friction. Custom orthotics have a dual action- not only helping in treating the corns and calluses but also in further preventing recurrences.
- In case the area gets infected, certain antibiotics can help in the clearing of the infection after consulting with a doctor
- In case a foot or a bone deformity is causing the friction, wearing soft, cushioning pads or over the counter readymade relief products can be worn. They provide temporary relief and reduce the chances of further friction that can aggravate the condition. In certain cases, surgery may be needed to remove the bone as part of treatment.
- In extreme cases where there is redness, increased swelling or pain, color change in the affected areas, drainage from the sore, or signs of tissue decay, it is necessary to consult a doctor to get urgent medication and treatment.