Flat feet or fallen arches is a common problem that may causes chronic pain and compromise mobility. Feet of adults usually have an arch (an upward curve) between the forefoot and the heel The arch is usually developed as a person grows older and is not present from birth. Flat foot is very commonly found both in children and in adults. Consult your CuraFoot doctor for a thorough diagnosis.
- An inflammation of the Achilles tendon can lead to degeneration.
- The pain caused by this condition can develop gradually and can present as a shooting pain or a burning pain
- It should not be left untreated due to the danger that the tendon can degenerate to become weak and may rupture
- This condition is aggravated by activities that repeatedly stress the tendon.
- This is a common problem experienced by athletes or active people.
- Individuals who suffer from this often state that their pain lessons with activity as the Achilles tendon warms up and stretches.
Flat feet in adults usually do not cause major health complications. However, for some people, it may cause chronic pain, compromise mobility and impair quality of daily living.
Symptoms usually include:
- Chronic tiredness of feet
- Persistent pain in the heels or midfoot
- Arch Pain
- Back or leg pain/Muscle Fatigue
- Over-pronation (wherein one walks on the inner edge of the foot )
- The simplest way to check for the flat foot is to see if your foot has an upward arch. You can also wet your foot and make an imprint on a flat surface. The flatness of the foot is directly proportional to the area that touches the ground (the more the area, the flatter the foot).
There can be a number of causes for the development of flat foot:
- Genetic inheritance runs in the family
- Injury to the bones of the foot
- Rheumatoid or Inflammatory arthritis
- Injury to the tendons (such as tear or unnatural stretching)
- Diabetes

Depending on the recommendation of the foot doctor, the following methods of treatment can be followed:
- Custom insoles : Custom Insoles that are specifically designed for your feet help by providing accurate arch support. This, in turn, helps with the prevention of over-pronation of the feet. The custom insoles also help in relieving the persistent foot pain. Usually, the customizations are done over a period of time to let the user get habituated to wearing orthoses. People usually wear custom insoles to avoid discomfort and get relief from pain for the length of their lives
- Physical therapy: Consult a physiotherapist for recommendations on foot exercises – certain forms of exercise can help in foot and ankle pain caused by flat feet.
- Treatment of the underlying ailment: Treating the ailment causing flat foot may provide relief from the symptoms. For example, losing weight for obese people, or addressing the injured tendons can relieve you of the pain associated with flat feet. It is recommended to refer to a foot doctor
- It is highly recommended that you consult a doctor in case you suffer from persistent pain and discomfort, to diagnose the ailment at an early stage and start the treatment process before the symptoms turn severe. Consult your CuraFoot doctor for a thorough diagnosis.